How Can Engineering and Manufacturing Teams Prevent Ransomware Attacks on Their Product Data?

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Uncategorized / May 4, 2023

Are you an engineering firm or manufacturing firm concerned about the threat of ransomware attacks…

Microsoft’s SQL Licensing Policy Changes and How They Affect SOLIDWORKS PDM

Cloud Certified Solution Partners

In recent years, Microsoft’s licensing policy for SQL Server has undergone significant changes that have…

Are Virtual Desktops The Future of Engineering and CAD Applications?

Cloud Computing

CAD in the Cloud / May 1, 2023

As engineering and CAD applications like SOLIDWORKS have evolved over the years, they have become…

Focus on These CAD Security Considerations While Working Remotely

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CAD File Security / December 23, 2022

Remote work has many benefits, but it also comes with its own set of security…

Protecting CAD Files and Preventing IP Theft With CAD Security

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CAD File Security / December 23, 2022

IP theft is one of the biggest business threats today, as companies lose billions of…

Solve These Problems With Cloud Storage for CAD Files or CAD Security With These Tips

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CAD File Security / December 23, 2022

Working in a company that creates or uses CAD files in the cloud can be…

Total Data Protection: High Performance, Geo Redundant Storage Solutions for Cloud-Based CAD and PDM

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cloud based cad and pdm / December 23, 2022

Data security is the most important issue for cloud-based CAD and PDM customers. It’s not…

Working From Home in CAD and Some Options for Remote Workstations

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remote desktop cad / December 23, 2022

When you’re working from home, the remote work options are limited to three choices. You…

Cyber Attacks on CAD Software: What Should a CAD Engineer Do for CAD Security?

Protect Your Customer

CAD File Security / September 19, 2022

Millions of engineers and designers worldwide use CAD software to create products that improve our…

How Cloud-Based CAD Helps You Work Smarter and Faster

CAD in Browser

CAD in the Cloud / September 19, 2022

CAD has come a long way since the days of 2D drawings on paper. Now…